Home Calculator Bilinear Interpolation Calculator

Bilinear Interpolation Calculator

Bilinear Interpolation Calculator

What is Bilinear Interpolation?

Bilinear Interpolation Calculator: Bilinear interpolation is a mathematical method used to estimate unknown values at specific points within a two-dimensional grid. It operates by performing linear interpolation first in one direction (x-direction) and then in the other direction (y-direction). This technique is particularly useful in fields such as computer graphics, image processing, and geographical information systems, where it helps in creating smooth transitions between known data points.

Corner Points Coordinates

Point Coordinates
Q11 (x1, y1)
Q12 (x1, y2)
Q21 (x2, y1)
Q22 (x2, y2)

Input Coordinates

Corner Points Values

Interpolated Point


What is Bilinear Interpolation?
Bilinear interpolation is a method for interpolating functions of two variables on a rectangular grid.
How does Bilinear Interpolation work?
It works by performing linear interpolation first in one direction and then in the other direction.
What are the applications of Bilinear Interpolation?
It is used in computer graphics, image processing, and geographical information systems.
What is the formula for Bilinear Interpolation?
The formula involves two linear interpolations in the x-direction followed by one in the y-direction.
What are the advantages of Bilinear Interpolation?
It provides smoother results than nearest-neighbor interpolation and is computationally efficient.
What are the disadvantages of Bilinear Interpolation?
It can introduce blurring in images and may not preserve sharp edges.
Can Bilinear Interpolation be used for non-linear data?
Bilinear interpolation assumes linearity between points, which may not be suitable for non-linear data.
Is Bilinear Interpolation computationally intensive?
No, it is relatively efficient compared to other interpolation methods like bicubic interpolation.

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