Home Calculator Calories to Joules Calculator

Calories to Joules Calculator

Calories to Joules Calculator

What is Calories to Joules?

Calories to Joules is a conversion calculator that allows you to convert energy values from calories to joules. The calorie is a unit of energy commonly used in nutrition, while the joule is the standard unit of energy in the International System of Units (SI). This calculator helps you convert between these units to understand and compare energy values better.

How to Use the Calculator

To use this calculator, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the energy value in calories in the provided input field.
  2. Select the type of calorie unit you are using from the dropdown menu. The options are:
    • Small thermochemical calories
    • Large/food calories
    • Small 15°C calories
  3. Click the Calculate button to get the result in joules.
  4. If you want to enter a new value, click the Clear button to reset the form.


Formulas for Conversion

The conversion formulas from calories to joules are as follows:

  • Small Thermochemical Calories: 1 calth = 4.184 J
    Formula: E(J) = 4.184 × E(calth)
  • Large/Food Calories: 1 Cal = 4184 J
    Formula: E(J) = 4184 × E(Cal)
  • Small 15°C Calories: 1 cal15 = 4.1855 J
    Formula: E(J) = 4.1855 × E(cal15)

Example Calculations:

  • If you enter 300 small thermochemical calories:
    Energy (J) = 4.184 × 300 = 1255.2 J
  • If you enter 0.3 large/food calories:
    Energy (J) = 4184 × 0.3 = 1255.2 J
  • If you enter 300 small 15°C calories:
    Energy (J) = 4.1855 × 300 = 1255.65 J

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