Home Calculator Distance from Point to Plane Calculator

Distance from Point to Plane Calculator

Distance from Point to Plane Calculator

Distance from Point to Plane Calculator

Distance from Point to Plane Calculator: The distance from a point to a plane is a fundamental concept in geometry and is used in various applications, such as computer graphics, robotics, and engineering. This calculator helps you determine the distance between a point and a plane in 3D space.


a b c


Standard form Ax + By + Cz + D = 0


Formula Value

What is the Distance from Point to Plane?

The distance from a point to a plane is the shortest distance between the point and any point on the plane. It represents the perpendicular distance from the point to the plane.

What is the Distance from Point to Plane Calculator website?

This website provides a user-friendly tool to calculate the distance from a point to a plane in 3D space. It offers two methods for defining the plane: standard form (Ax + By + Cz + D = 0) and normal vector with a point (x, y, z).

How to use the Distance from Point to Plane Calculator website?

To use the calculator, simply enter the coordinates of the point and select how the plane is given. If using the standard form, input the coefficients A, B, C, and D. If using the normal vector method, input the normal vector components A, B, C and a point (x, y, z) on the plane. Click "Calculate Distance" to get the result.

What is the formula for the Distance from Point to Plane Calculator?

The formula for the distance from a point (a, b, c) to a plane depends on how the plane is defined: Standard form (Ax + By + Cz + D = 0): Distance = |Aa + Bb + Cc + D| / √(A² + B² + C²) Normal vector [A, B, C] and point (x, y, z): Distance = |A(a - x) + B(b - y) + C(c - z)| / √(A² + B² + C²)

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Distance from Point to Plane Calculator

Advantages: - Easy to use and understand - Supports two common methods for defining planes - Provides step-by-step solutions for better understanding - Useful for various applications in geometry and engineering Disadvantages: - Limited to 3D space - Requires manual input of coordinates and coefficients

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