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Expected Value Calculator


Expected Value Calculator

Expected Value Calculator: Calculate the Expected Value (EV) easily with our Expected Value Calculator. Learn what expected value is and how to calculate it with step-by-step solutions.

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Expected Value Calculator

How to Use Expected Value Calculator?

  1. Enter the possible outcomes and their respective probabilities in the input fields.
  2. Click the "Calculate" button to compute the expected value.
  3. The calculator will display the expected value along with a step-by-step solution showing how the calculation was done.
  4. To reset the fields, click the "Clear" button.


Expected Value (EV) --

Step-by-Step Solution:


Complete Guide to Expected Value Calculators

What is Expected Value?

Expected value is a fundamental concept in probability theory and statistics. It provides a measure of the central tendency of a random variable, essentially representing the average outcome if an experiment were repeated many times. The expected value (EV) can be thought of as the long-term average value of random variables and is crucial in making informed decisions under uncertainty.

What is an Expected Value Calculator Website?

An Expected Value Calculator website is an online tool designed to calculate the expected value of a set of outcomes based on their probabilities. These calculators are particularly useful for individuals involved in fields such as gambling, finance, and risk management, where understanding potential outcomes is essential. By inputting different probabilities and outcomes, users can quickly compute the expected value and make more informed decisions.

How to Use an Expected Value Calculator Website

Using an Expected Value Calculator is generally straightforward. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Input Probabilities: Enter the probability of each outcome. Probabilities should be expressed as decimal values between 0 and 1.
  2. Input Outcomes: Enter the outcome values corresponding to each probability.
  3. Calculate: Click the "Calculate" button. The calculator will compute the expected value based on the input probabilities and outcomes.
  4. Review Results: The expected value will be displayed, which you can use to analyze the potential average outcome.

What is the Formula for Expected Value?

The formula for calculating the expected value (EV) is:

EV = Σ (p_i * x_i)


  • p_i: Probability of the i-th outcome
  • x_i: Value of the i-th outcome
  • Σ: Summation symbol, representing the sum over all possible outcomes

To use this formula, multiply each outcome by its corresponding probability, then sum up all these products.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Expected Value Calculators


  • Ease of Use: Expected Value Calculators are user-friendly and require minimal input from users.
  • Quick Computation: They provide instant calculations, saving time compared to manual calculations.
  • Accuracy: Automated tools reduce the risk of errors associated with manual calculations.
  • Educational Tool: They help users understand the concept of expected value through practical application.


  • Limited Flexibility: Some calculators may have limitations in handling complex scenarios or large datasets.
  • Assumption Dependence: The accuracy of results depends on the accuracy of input data. Incorrect probabilities or outcomes can lead to misleading results.
  • Over-Reliance: Users might become too reliant on calculators and neglect fundamental understanding of probability theory.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Expected Value and Variance?

Expected value (EV) represents the average outcome or central tendency of a random variable, whereas variance measures the dispersion or spread of the outcomes around the expected value. In other words, EV gives an idea of what to expect on average, while variance provides information on how spread out the outcomes are from the average.

Can Expected Value be negative?

Yes, the expected value can be negative. This occurs when the outcomes and their associated probabilities are such that the weighted average of these outcomes is less than zero. For instance, in scenarios involving losses or negative returns, the expected value can be negative.

Is the Expected Value Calculator suitable for complex financial decisions?

While an Expected Value Calculator is a useful tool for basic probability calculations, it might not be sufficient for complex financial decisions involving multiple variables, dependencies, or intricate risk assessments. For such cases, advanced financial modeling and risk management tools may be necessary.