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FFMI Calculator

FFMI Calculator

FFMI Calculator

FFMI Calculator - Calculate your fat-free mass index easily.

What is FFMI?

The Fat-Free Mass Index (FFMI) is a measure of body composition that assesses the amount of fat-free mass (muscle, bone, organs, etc.) relative to height. It provides a more accurate picture of body composition than BMI, especially for athletes and bodybuilders.

Calculate Your FFMI


FFMI Table

Unit Value
grams (g)
decagrams (dag)
kilograms (kg)
pounds (lb)

Normalized FFMI Table

Unit Value
grams (g)
decagrams (dag)
kilograms (kg)
pounds (lb)

Fat-Free Mass Table

Unit Value
grams (g)
decagrams (dag)
kilograms (kg)
pounds (lb)

Total Body Fat Table

Unit Value
grams (g)
decagrams (dag)
kilograms (kg)
pounds (lb)


What is FFMI?

FFMI (Fat-Free Mass Index) is a measure of body composition that focuses on the weight of fat-free mass (muscle, bone, organs, etc.) in relation to height. It provides a more accurate assessment of body composition compared to BMI.

What is this FFMI Calculator website?

This website allows you to easily calculate your FFMI based on your height, weight, and body fat percentage. It provides you with your FFMI, normalized FFMI, fat-free mass, and total body fat, giving you insights into your body composition.

How to use this FFMI Calculator website?

To use the FFMI Calculator, simply enter your sex, height, weight, and body fat percentage in the provided fields. Select the appropriate units for height and weight. Click the "Calculate" button to see your results. You can also clear the form using the "Clear" button.

What is the formula for FFMI?

The formula for FFMI is: FFMI = fat free mass [kg] / (height [m])². Where fat-free mass is calculated as: fat free mass = weight [kg] × (1 - (body fat [%] / 100)).

Advantages of FFMI Calculator

- Provides a more accurate assessment of body composition compared to BMI. - Helps track changes in fat-free mass over time. - Useful for athletes and bodybuilders to monitor muscle mass. - Can identify potential muscle imbalances or deficiencies.

Disadvantages of FFMI Calculator

- Requires additional measurements (body fat percentage) compared to BMI. - May not be as widely known or used as BMI. - Interpretation of results can vary based on individual factors and goals.

What is a healthy FFMI range?

For men, an average FFMI is typically between 18-20 kg/m². For women, an average FFMI is typically between 14-17 kg/m². However, these ranges can vary based on factors such as age, muscle mass, and athletic activity.

How to improve FFMI?

To improve your FFMI, focus on building muscle mass through resistance training and consuming adequate protein. Maintain a balanced diet with sufficient calories to support muscle growth. Consult with a healthcare professional or fitness expert for personalized recommendations based on your goals and health status.

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