Home Calculator VA to kW Calculator

VA to kW Calculator

VA to kW Calculator

VA to kW Calculator

Welcome to the VA to kW Calculator. This tool helps you convert volt-amps (VA) to kilowatts (kW) by using the power factor. In electrical systems, volt-amps represent apparent power, while kilowatts represent real power. This conversion is essential for understanding power consumption and sizing electrical equipment accurately. Use this calculator to determine the real power from apparent power and make informed decisions about your electrical needs.


VA to kW refers to the conversion of apparent power in volt-amps (VA) to real power in kilowatts (kW). Apparent power includes both real and reactive power, while real power is the actual usable power consumed by devices.

The VA to kW Calculator website is an online tool that converts volt-amps to kilowatts using the power factor. It is useful for calculating real power based on apparent power and understanding electrical consumption.

Enter the apparent power in volt-amps (VA) and the power factor into the respective fields. Click "Calculate" to get the real power in kilowatts (kW). Use the "Clear" button to reset the fields.

The formula for calculating real power in kilowatts is: P(kW) = S(VA) × PF / 1000, where P is the real power, S is the apparent power in volt-amps, and PF is the power factor.


  • Quick and easy conversion between volt-amps and kilowatts.
  • Helps in understanding real power consumption and equipment sizing.
  • Assumes a constant power factor, which might vary in real-world scenarios.
  • Does not account for additional factors like power quality or harmonics.

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