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VA to Watts Calculator

VA to Watts Calculator

VA to Watts Calculator

Welcome to the VA to Watts Calculator. This tool is designed to help you convert apparent power in volt-amps (VA) to real power in watts (W). This conversion is essential for understanding power consumption in electrical systems, as real power represents the actual energy used. The conversion formula involves multiplying the apparent power by the power factor, which accounts for the efficiency of power usage.


VA to watts conversion involves converting apparent power (VA) to real power (W). Real power represents the actual energy used, while apparent power includes both real and reactive power. This conversion is important for understanding how much power is truly being used by an electrical device.

The VA to watts Calculator website provides a tool for converting apparent power measured in volt-amps to real power in watts. This online tool simplifies the conversion process by allowing users to input their values and get immediate results.

To use the VA to watts Calculator, enter the apparent power in volt-amps and the power factor into the input fields. Click "calculate " to see the real power in watts. The "Clear" button will reset the input fields and result.

The formula to convert VA to watts is: P(W) = S(VA) × PF, where P is the real power in watts, S is the apparent power in volt-amps, and PF is the power factor.


  • Quick and easy conversion from VA to watts.
  • Helps in understanding real power consumption based on apparent power and power factor.
  • Assumes a constant power factor, which may not reflect real-world variations.
  • Does not account for efficiency losses or other factors affecting power consumption.

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